

So I havent been able to comment on some or most of your guys blogs. I dont know why. i sign in and click an blog and when I go to the top usually you can go to your dashboard but it only says create blog or sign in?!?!?!?! does this happen to anyone else? what do i do?


I am thinking of getting something to speed up my metabolism and burn fat. I went to a CVS and noticed they had a lot of products like hydroxycut, jilan micheals, green tea pills and all kinds of stuff. Have any of you tried these products and how do they work? do you use any other products? what are they and what results did you get?

I know obviously that I cant just take one of these and eat whatever I want. I am restricting my calories really low and I am working out but I dont know which one is should use I have never tried this before and need a little help. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


I got on the scale today and almost broke down. I dont even want to mention what it said but I am fasting or trying to fast today and tomorrow. Then im fasting again monday - thur I am fasting again!!! after that I want to start taking the fat burner which everone I choose. I am going to fucking get skinny I dont care what anyone says! I am doing this for me not for anyone else and they will just have to accept it even if they dont agree with it.

I have gotten so off track the past two months and just let myself go but now I AM BACK!!!! I am going to be skinny for vegas and for myself I want to feel attractive and I want thin thighs! My goal is at least 120 by the end of October. and either 110 or ideally 100 by the end of the year. that is like 45 LBS in 5 months. is it possible? YES IT IS as long as I can keep food out of my greedy little mouth.


Stay strong lasies and good luck
<3 Jess

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